This article is intended for employees.
To familiarize yourself with the product, we suggest you start with an article on vocabulary: The vocabulary of skills assessment.
💡 Please note that the Skills product will only appear if your company has subscribed.
📈 My career path
You can access the career follow-up tab :
- from your profile (bottom left of screen),
- from "Skills" in the side menu.
This tab is made up of 4 blocks:
- In the center, the expectations corresponding to the level of the matrix on which you have been positioned. This block appears only if you have been associated with a matrix. You can click on "View matrix" to consult the different levels and associated expectations.
- At the top right, details on the current level and date of last update. This block appears only if you have been associated with a matrix.
- To the right, in the middle, details on the next level (if one has been defined) and the last update date. This block appears only if a next level has been defined.
- At bottom right, linked reviews, i.e. reviews where your skills have been assessed. If no skills assessment has yet been carried out, this block will not appear.
💡 Please note that for any change of level or matrix, you'll need to contact your HR team or your manager.
📝 Assessing skills during a review
To find out more about the general process of a review, see these articles:
👀 My skills matrix
If this has been set up and activated by your HR Team, a section of the review can be dedicated to assessing your skills. This assessment will be based on a skills matrix as well as a level on this matrix (optional) that will have been assigned to you.
Click on the matrix name to view it in the Career Explorer.
💡 Please note that if you have not yet been assigned a matrix, the message below will appear. Please contact your manager or HR team.
📝 Skills assessment
Assessment of a skill
Each skill appears as a block with :
- a reminder of the expectations for the level you have been assigned,
- a 5-level self-assessment scale,
- a free comment field.
Place yourself on this scale according to how you view the past period, your achievements, progress and goals achieved or not.
💡 Please note that if you can't or don't know how to assess a skill, tick the corresponding box.
Assessment of a skill domain
If the matrix contains skills domains, then it will be possible to evaluate each skill in the domain individually + the domain in general.
Skills expectations are not displayed by default in the case of a domain assessment, so you'll need to click on the skill label in question in order to view them.
You can then continue with the rest of the review and share your answers, making them visible to your reviewer. Your reviewer can then assess you, and share his or her own comments.
You'll end up with a final consolidated version of your and your reviewer's assessment of each skill, which will look like the one below:
You can also click on the "🎯" icon to obtain a more visual consolidated version.
🔭 Career Explorer
This tab is accessible to Admins, Managers and Employees. The Career Explorer allows all Elevo users to consult the skills matrices available in your organization.
As an employee, it lets you find out about opportunities and possibilities for advancement within the company.
🙋🏻♂️ Questions
➡️ If I indicate in the review that I can't/can't assess the skills domain, can each skill of the domain still can be assessed?
Skill rating and domain rating are independent, so I can assess skills individually and not assess the domain as a whole, and vice versa.