💡 Note: Each company uses its own terms and definitions. There is no universal language for surveys. We have created this glossary based on discussions with our customers and prospects.
📝 General Definitions
Concept | Definition |
Survey | Product name |
Campaign (survey) | periods |
Period | A questionnaire sent to a list of participants, who have a deadline (period) to respond |
Form | Set of questions attached to a campaign or period |
Participants | Employees participating in the survey period |
Respondents | Participants who completed the questionnaire within the designated period |
Recurring survey | A survey campaign that is conducted at regular intervals. |
One-off survey | A one-off survey campaign; a single period will be created. |
Frequency | The frequency at which new periods will be established for the recurring survey campaign |
Questions library | A set of questions presented to users. These can be "Elevo" questions or customized questions. |
Sentiment analysis | A text analysis AI system that enables the labeling of responses to open-ended questions. |
🗽 Campaign Status
Concept | Definition |
Draft | Under development |
Scheduled | Waiting for the launch of a period |
In progress | Currently open for participants to complete |
Inactive | Disabled campaign; no period are established (for recurring campaigns only) |
Ended | Completed campaign; no period can be established. By default, the campaign appears in the campaigns list. |
Archived | Archived campaign, no period can be established. The campaign is hidden by default in the campaigns list. |