- 🤷🏻 Your email is incorrect on Elevo
- 😵 The email has been filtered as Spam for a person
- 👻 The email has been filtered as Spam for all users
- 🖐 The email was blocked by your provider
Elevo emails may not reach your inbox for several reasons.
🤷🏻 Your email is incorrect on Elevo
Ask your admin to check your email address on Elevo and change it if it is incorrect.
😵 The email has been filtered as Spam for a person
Some spam filters may be stricter than others, so consider checking your spam folder in your email box. To prevent this from happening again you can take the following steps:
- Mark the email as not spam,
- Add to your address book the email support@elevo.io.
👻 The email has been filtered as Spam for all users
You can ask your email administrator to whitelist emails from Elevo, this will solve the problem for all users. Here is the info you need to provide:
- Sending domain: elevo.com
- Sending email: support@elevo.io
- Sending IP address:
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🖐 The email was blocked by your provider
It may be that your IT department has strict settings for email filtering and that email is quarantined or even rejected on your company's servers before it even reaches your email inbox.
In this case, you should ask your administrator to whitelist emails coming from the elevo.com domain or simply the address support@elevo.io. Here are the instructions for services that have caused problems in the past: