This article is intended for Administrators.
We generally recommend the use of a professional e-mail address for each user. Users receive notifications when an action is required on Elevo, hence their importance.
If you are dealing with users who do not have e-mails, you will need to notify and refer them to the Elevo application by your own means.
We do, however, provide an alternative using an username instead of an e-mail to log in Elevo.
- ⚙️ General process
- ✍️ Requirements
- ➕ How to create a user without an e-mail?
- 👀 Useful definitions for users without e-mails
- 🤔 Overview of both means of connection
- 🥺 What happens when employees forget their password?
- 📧 Communication contents
- 👨🏻🦰 Questions
⚙️ General process
There are two ways to access Elevo:
- 1️⃣ the standard connection that requires an e-mail or a username + password,
- 2️⃣ via an SSO connection requiring an e-mail or a username + redirection to your usual in-house account.
Usually, both types of connection use the employee's e-mail. However, you may sometimes be required to use another form of ID (users without e-mails or an SSO using a registration number, for example).
During the Elevo deployment phase, you will need to choose whether logins should be based on e-mails or some other username.
Option 1: If you choose to set e-mails as logins, then the e-mail becomes mandatory (but not the username).
Option 2: If you choose to set a username as a login, a combined management is possible. Indeed, by linking the "login" field to a username, users can still have an e-mail! They can both work together:
- a user can have both a username and an e-mail,
- a user can have only an e-mail,
- a user can have only a username
✍️ Requirements
In order to define a combined management (when employees with and without e-mails coexist) or even a 100% e-mail free management, certain conditions are necessary:
- you must be able to provide a unique username that the employee should know of (since he will need it to log in) and that complies with the conditions listed below (The Username, what is it?).
- an HR Admin contact must be appointed. The contact will receive the password reset requests from users without e-mails (usually an Admin or a generic in-house e-mail address).
- a specific domain needs to be created (, our teams will send it to you. It will be required for employee access and password resets for users without e-mails (
- in case of SFTP synchronization or integration, the username field must be mapped for creating users without an e-mail address.
💡 Please note that if in doubt, contact your IT department to find out about available options for your company.
➕ How to create a user without an e-mail?
Three different processes exist:
- 1️⃣ Directly from the Elevo interface
You can add employees manually and individually via Users > + Add a User > Without E-mail (the username will then be mandatory) or With E-mail.
- 2️⃣ Via a bulk upload from an Excel or CSV file
The username column in the import files can now be filled in. To learn more on this subject, please read the article: Add, import or update users.
- 3️⃣ By HRIS integration or SFTP synchronization
It is possible to link the login field to one of your HRIS fields (by contacting our Support) so that it can be automatically entered whenever a user without e-mail is created.
To learn more, please read the following articles:
👀 Useful definitions for users without e-mails
Before going any further, we recommend that you review these two definitions.
The Username, what is it?
The username allows access by other means than an e-mail. It requires:
- alphanumeric characters, meaning the 26 letters of the alphabet without accents + the 10 Arabic numerals (from 0 to 9),
- and these 3 symbols: "." "-" and "_" (the period, the dash and the underscore),
- must contain 1 to 200 characters,
- must be unique within the organization.
💡 Please note that the username should be communicated in advance to employees to facilitate their access. For example, you can use "firstname.lastname" or a payroll number such as "09618293".
Access Codes
Access codes are a sequence of 12 letters or numbers that allow users with a username (instead of an e-mail address) to:
- activate their account (and therefore create a password)
- and reset their password when needed.
They are either individually created by Admins (via the employee end of line menu) or implemented in bulk (using the export button at the top right), then communicated to employees by the Admins, using the means that best suits your organization.
Generating access codes one at a time
Generating access codes by bulk export
Bulk export of access codes uses filters to target only users with ongoing accounts, without e-mails, without SSO and who have not yet activated their account/or have requested a password reset.
This export has 4 columns:
- employee's last name,
- employee's first name,
- username,
- user access code.
⚠️ Please be aware that access codes are only valid for three months. When expired, a new one will be generated by bulk export or individual request. Access codes will not be communicated by Elevo, only the HR team can handle this task.
🤔 Overview of both means of connection
🧷 If you have not enabled SSO login
- For employees with an e-mail ➡️ When the employee is included in a campaign or when an Admin manually invites him, he receives an e-mail requesting him to activate his account via an enclosed link. He will then have to define a password required to log in. Each time he will log in, he will need either the combination e-mail/password or username/password, if the latter has been set.
- For employees without an e-mail ➡️ To access the interface, employees must have a username in their profile. An Admin will send a nominative access code and the account activation link to each employee ( enabling him to create a password. He will therefore need the username/password combination to log in.
🔗 If you have enabled SSO login
During the setting operations, you will be required to communicate to our teams the ID that you have defined for the SSO connection. Some customers use e-mails to log in, others a registration number or another identifier so this information is important for us.
Two options are available:
- The ID key is the e-mail ➡️ Employees log in to Elevo with their e-mail and are redirected to the company's login page in the usual way. This option only works if all employees have an e-mail address.
- The ID key is not the e-mail ➡️ This second option is best when a registration number or any other identifier is used for your SSO connection, or if you have users without e-mails. In this case, logging in will require a username (such as a payroll number, an in-house registration number, first name.last name,...). Entering a username will redirect the employee to the company's login page, in the usual way.
🥺 What happens when employees forget their password?
This procedure does not apply to employees who log in via SSO, because they do not set passwords in Elevo.
- For employees with an e-mail address
When employees forget their password, they must follow the password reset process.
- For employees without an e-mail address
When employees forget their password, they must also follow the password reset process.
Upon request, the appointed contact (as defined in the requirements section) will be notified by e-mail that an employee has forgotten his password.
The Admin will then generate a single new access code via the Directory page and then send it to the employee. By accessing the same page as for the activation of his account (, the employee will be able to enter his username and the access code he has received. He will then be redirected to the reset page to create a new password.
💡 Please note that if an Admin contact has not been defined or if his e-mail address is no longer in use, then the request will be redirected to our Support
📧 Communication contents
To ease the launch of your campaign, you will find below a communication template designed to clarify the connection of users with or without e-mail.
💡 Note : You must take into account and delete the italicised sections in order to customise this communication.
Without SSO
"Hello everyone,
As part of the forthcoming launch of the annual review campaign, the purpose of this e-mail is to specify the connection method depending on the type of user.
Some of our employees do not have an e-mail address, and will therefore have to log in differently from those who do.
You will find below the two cases of use:
I have a professional e-mail address
- I will receive an invite by e-mail when the annual review campaign is launched,
- By clicking on the link, I will have to confirm my first and last name and then create a password,
- I will then be able to log on to (update with your personalised domain) with this e-mail (or the username, both will work) + the password created.
What if I forget my password? I can reset it by clicking on "Forgot your password?
I don't have a professional e-mail address
- I will be given my username and access code before the campaign is launched,
- I will be notified by my manager of the campaign launch date, and I will first have to create a password by going to (update with your personalised domain) and entering my username + access code,
- Then I'd have to enter my password,
- Then I can log on to (update with your personalised domain) using the username and password I've created. The access code is not used as a password, and must not be used again once the password has been created.
What if I forget my password? I can request a reset by clicking on "Forgot your password". The HR team will be notified and can then send me a new access code. I should go to again (update with your personalised domain) and enter my login + access code, then create a new password.
Your HR team will be happy to answer any questions you may have, and if you have any technical problems, please don't hesitate to contact Elevo support:
With SSO
"Hello everyone,
As part of the forthcoming launch of the annual review campaign, the purpose of this e-mail is to specify the connection method depending on the type of user.
Some of our employees do not have an e-mail address, and will therefore have to log in differently from those who do.
You will find below the two cases of use:
I have a professional e-mail address
- Je recevrai une invitation sur cet e-mail au moment du lancement de la campagne d'entretiens annuels,
- En cliquant sur le lien, je devrais confirmer mon nom et mon prénom puis je pourrais accéder à Elevo. Une redirection automatique se fera grâce à la connexion en SSO qui utilise votre compte et mot de passe interne afin de vous éviter la création d'un mot de passe supplémentaire.
- I will receive an invite on this e-mail when the annual review campaign is launched,
- By clicking on the link, I will have to confirm my first and last name and then I will be able to access Elevo. An automatic redirection will take place thanks to the SSO connection which uses your internal account and password so that you don't have to create an additional password.
I don't have a professional e-mail address
- My username will be sent to me before the campaign is launched,
- I will be notified of the campaign launch date, and I should log on to with my username. An automatic redirection will take place thanks to the SSO connection, which uses your internal account and password to avoid you having to create an additional password.
Your HR team will be happy to answer any questions you may have, and if you have any technical problems, please don't hesitate to contact Elevo support:
👨🏻🦰 Questions
➡️ What happens if a user who didn't have an e-mail now has one?
- If settings require users to log in via SSO → nothing changes, they continue to use the SSO and the username that has been defined. From now on, he will receive notifications by e-mail.
- If SSO is not enabled for users → the user will continue to log in with the password that has already been defined. He will now be able to log in with his username or e-mail (if his username is still set) and he will now receive notifications by e-mail.
➡️ What happens if a user is added to a campaign without having activated their account?
If a user without an e-mail address is added to a campaign without having activated their account, the Operational Contact will receive an e-mail to inform him/her that certain collaborators without e-mail addresses have been added to the campaign without having activated their account, and will therefore not be able to access their interview.
If there is no Operational Contact, the Account Owner will be contacted.