This article is intended for administrators.
Your users are in the base, your template is ready, now it's time to launch your 1st review cycle!
To do this, go to : Reviews > Campaigns > + New review cycle.
In 5 steps, your review cycle will be launched:
- 1️⃣ Select the type of maintenance and give the review cycle a name 📍
- 2️⃣ Select participants and evaluator 🤓
- 3️⃣ Select the template 📁
- 4️⃣ Set options 📆
- 5️⃣ Define the tags associated with your campaign 🔖
- 6️⃣ Launch the review cycle 🚀!
💡 Note: People added on Elevo will only be invited to the platform once they are involved in a review cycle.
1️⃣ Select the type of maintenance and give the review cycle a name 📍
2️⃣ Select participants and evaluator 🤓
You have three options for adding participants:
Manual addition
You will be able to add the participants by hand:
- Add them one by one using the checkmarks,
- Add everyone,
- Add all the hierarchy of a participant (N-1, N-2, etc.),
- Using the filters (here to learn more about using the filters).
Automatic addition
You can automatically add participants to your review cycle by defining how many days after their hire date they should be added.
Find out more about this option in this article.
Mass import
In certain situations, you may need to select the participants of a campaign from an external file and then import them directly into Elevo.
This can be done using the "Import" button (see below) : Importing employees in bulk into a campaign
Choice of responsible
You can then choose who will be the evaluator:
- the line manager (the default choice),
- an Administrator (HR) of the platform,
- a specific person
💡 Note: Even if the participants' direct manager is not responsible for the evaluation, he or she will have access to the entire content of the review via the My Team tab.
3️⃣ Select the template 📁
You can either choose a previously created template or use the "Elevo Example" templates.
You can choose the same template for all participants, or assign a different template depending on the participant's profile.
4️⃣ Set options 📆
Depending on the option chosen in step 2️⃣ Participants, you will have different options to set in step 4️⃣ :
Manual addition
You will be able to set deadlines for the self-assessment and the evaluation.
These dates are informative and condition the reminder mails but are not blocking in the tool: the review cycle will remain open as long as an Admin has not archived it.
Automatic addition
As participants will be added over time, deadlines will be customized based on the date of addition to the review cycle.
5️⃣ Define the tags associated with your campaign 🔖
More about this feature on this article : Adding one or more tags to a campaign.
This step is optional and depends on the purpose of your campaign. If, for example, your campaign concerns a job interview, then adding the appropriate tag will ensure that it is taken into account in your associated Audit (Ensuring review conformity using Audit Reports).
6️⃣ Launch the review cycle 🚀!
Once the review cycle is launched, an email notification will be sent automatically to all participants.
You can also prepare your review cycle and launch it at another time. It is automatically saved and will be notified as Draft in the Campaigns tab.
⚠️ Attention: If you are running test campaigns, please contact Elevo Support to request their removal before launching your real campaigns. Otherwise, they may interfere with the real campaigns and it may not be possible to delete them.
Questions 🙋🏻
➡️ Is it possible to launch an anonymous 1:1 review campaign?
It is not possible to run an anonymous 1:1 interview campaign. This option is only available for the 360 Feedback.
To make the exercise confidential between employees and HR department, it is nevertheless possible to restrict the visibility of the interview to managers and supervisors.
➡️ Is it possible to run a test campaign? Can I have fake users to do my tests?
It is possible to do tests. As test campaigns generate emails, we advise you to do your tests within your team.
If you do not have synchronization with an HRIS activated, you can create fake users (in the "Users" tab), provided you have a functional email (to be able to receive the invitation to connect to the platform). Note that each fake user will count as an active license. Don't forget to suspend them at the end of your tests.
Before launching your "real" campaign, it is advisable to delete the test campaigns, especially if objective periods have been created. To do this, we invite you to send your request to specifying the name of the campaigns to be deleted.
➡️ How to use dynamic models?
Dynamic templates allow you to assign a different questionnaire depending on a criterion (e.g. manager status or not, the department...).
This option is configurable during the launch of the campaign, when choosing the questionnaire.
The conditions to use the dynamic templates:
- To have several questionnaires,
- Have the assignment criterion present in the Elevo profile of the participants,
- All questionnaires must have the same options (with or without objectives, self-evaluation, ...).
You will find all the additional information to set it up in this article.
➡️ Once it's launched, can I change the template for my campaign?
The settings related to the campaign, which can be modified after the launch, are accessible from the campaign tracking tab: 360 Feedback > Campaign > Click on the campaign.
Here are the parameters that can be modified after the launch of a campaign:
- Campaign name
- Deadlines (evaluated and evaluators)
- Participants (add/remove)
- Form questions - you don't have the hand to do this, so you need to email with exactly what you want to change. It is only possible to :
- modify the text of a question/answer,
- add a question/answer,
- modify the title of the campaign.
Here are the parameters that cannot be modified after a campaign has been launched:
- Assignment of template(s)
- Form :
- delete a question,
- modify the options,
- The email sent at the launch of the campaign.
➡️ Is it possible to launch automatic 1:1 reviews campaigns?
It is not possible to launch campaigns automatically at regular frequency (e.g. a quarterly campaign every 3 months).
However, it is possible to launch campaigns with automatic addition of participants X days after their arrival date (ex: for surprise report campaigns), for more details: here.