This article is intended for administrators.
This feature allows you, as an Admin, to change the manager of a review during the review cycle.
To do so, go to : Reviews > Campaigns > Campaign "XX" > Participants > Update responsible > Select new responsible.
Any Elevo user, whether an admin, manager, or employee can manage a review.
Once delegated, the review will be found in the "Other reviews" tab of the user chosen as the new reviewer. The new reviewer will then be notified by email.
If you want the new responsible to have full access to the employee's history, you must change it on the employee profile or in your SIRH if you have a sync.
Some use cases allowed by this feature:
- Reassign the reviews of a manager on long-term absence to another manager,
- Having different managers in the same review cycle,
- Launch review cycles led by a third party employee (neither line manager nor Admin).