This article is intended for administrators.
To access training requests, select Training > Training Plan in the sidebar.
- ➕ Make a new request
- ✏️ Edit training requests
- 🧩 Link one or more training requests to a training session
- ✅ Approve a training request
- ❌ Reject a training request
- 🗑 Delete a training request
- 🔎 Browse training requests
- 📈 Monitor statistics for approved requests
- 📤 Export data for training requests
➕ Make a new request
By clicking on + Make a request, a modal window will allow you to make a training request for any employee. When completed, the employee will be notified by e-mail.
You will be required to complete all the fields: summary of the training request, additional information for better qualifying the request, the employee's name, the request's priority level and its time period.
✏️ Edit training requests
By browsing the different training periods, all the corresponding processed requests will appear in a list format. You will be able to see the summary of the request, the title of the session to which it is linked, the employee it concerns and the request's status.
As an Admin, you can edit all the data related to a request, but you cannot modify the employee it relates to. By default, as soon as a request is made, it will be marked as "Waiting for approval".
🧩 Link one or more training requests to a training session
As mentioned in the article on the training request process, all training requests must then be linked to a training session in order for it to be scheduled and fulfilled.
💡 Please note that it is now possible to add participants to a session from the “Participants” tab or in “Other actions” in the other tabs.
To do so, simply select the request, or several requests if you wish to link them all to a single session.
- If the training session has not yet been created, click on "Create a training session". The "Training plan details" page appears. Here, you can indicate the session's details. In the "Participants" tab, you can: view all the employees selected for a session, indicate the budget per employee, send individual calendar invites to employees.
💡Please note that if your interface contains no existing training sessions, a modal window will display the following message: "There are no training sessions on your interface. To create a new training session, start by selecting one or more training requests." Or click directly on the link to access the page for creating a session, without having to re-select a request.
- If the training session already exists, click on "Add to a training request". The "Training plan details" page appears. Here, you can indicate the session's details. The "Participants" section will dispaly the selected employees as well as those who are are already part of the session. Fill in the budget allocated to each employee and send calendar invites via this tab. Invitations will automatically be sent to any new participant if he has been added after prior invitations have been sent.
💡Please note that you will not be able to select training requests that have already been linked to a session. If you need to make a change, access the session linked to the request. Then in the "Participants" tab, look for the employee and select "Delete" from the end of line menu. The request will not be deleted, only the link to the training session will be deleted. You can then link it to any another session.
✅ Approve a training request
How do I approve a training request? Go to the "Training requests" tab and click on the summary of the training request. The training request does not need to be linked to a session for its status to be modified.
💡 Note : You can also select several training requests by ticking them to change their status in bulk.
What happens once I approve an employee's training request?
Once a training request is approved, the following occurs:
- The request's status will change to "Approved" and will be visible via the employee's profile (once the detailed information has been saved),
- An e-mail will be sent to the employee to notify him that the request has been approved (once the detailed information has been saved),
- If you have not already done so, you can then link the training request to a training session in order to schedule it and then fill in the related costs.
❌ Reject a training request
How do I reject a training request?
You can reject a training request in the same way as to approve: go to the "Training requests" tab, then click on the appropriate request.
What happens once I reject an employee's training request?
Once a training request is rejected, the following occurs:
- The request's status will change to "Rejected" and will be visible from the employee's profile (once the detailed information has been saved),
- You can add a reason for denial, if you wish to. This field is not required to confirm the status.
- An e-mail will be sent to the employee to notify him that the request has been rejected (once the detailed information has been saved), If you have added a reason for denial, it will appear in the email sent to the employee.
🗑 Delete a training request
Administrators can also delete a training request. To do so, go to Training > Training plan > Training requests, find the relevant employee then click on the end of line menu.
A modal window will appear to ask for confirmation before deleting, and to inform you of subsequent impacts.
Once the request is deleted, we will send an email to the employee to notify him that the request has been deleted.
💡Please note that if the training request was linked to a training session, the session will not be deleted. You can also delete the link between a request and a training session.
🔎 Browse training requests
Access all you training requests easily by using the following methods:
- Go to the search bar and type the employee's first or last name, or a keyword used in the "Summary of the request". If you type a keyword and the employee's first name, all the requests with the keyword or the employee's first name will be displayed.
- Use filters by clicking on the Filter button next to the search bar. Filters will enable you to view all the requests for employees that meet the feature you choose.
For example: If you select the Team > R&D filter, you will see all the requests for employees of the R&D department.
- Don't hesitate to combine Filters and the search bar to optimize your search for requests.
Example: Use a keyword noted in a request made for a team.
📈 Monitor statistics for approved requests
All this information will allow a better follow-up of pending requests for each training period and enable you to pinpoint the requests that need to be processed by simply clicking on the filters per status.
📤 Export data for training requests
You can export your training request data at any time.
To do so, go to Training > Training plan > Export all requests.
The following data will be displayed: data regarding an employee, a Manager, the content of a training request (its details, the reason for denial if applicable and the training session if applicable). The exported file will be sent to you by email in Excel format.
💸 Determine your training budget and the different sources of funding
Please refer to the following article to learn more about this subject.
This section gives an overview of how your annual training budget is allocated in real time. You can navigate between the training periods to view the history of previous years or years to come.
🙋🏻♂️ Questions
➡️ If I edit the information related to a training request, will the employee receive an email?
No, as long as you do not change the approval status, no email will be sent to the employee.
➡️ Is the reason for denial mandatory?
No, the reason for denial is optional. If you want the employee to know the reason for denial, don't forget to fill in the field when you register the status to "Refused". On the other hand, you can enter a reason for denial without enabling the employee to access the reason. To do so, set the status to "Refused" without entering a reason for denial and save.
A notification email is sent to the employee when the status is set to "Refused", but not when a modification is made. Therefore, you can go back to the request, add the reason for denial and confirm. The employee will never be informed of the reason for denial since notification emails are never sent when information is added.
➡️ Do I have to enter all the detailed information for a training session in one go?
No, you can add details to a training session on an ongoing basis.
➡️ What information can be viewed by employees via their profiles?
The following information is accessible to employees: summary of the request, approval status, total number of training hours, and the start and end dates of a session.
➡️ Why is the the "Create a request" feature unaccessible from the home page although I am an Administrator?
Only Managers can access this feature from the home page.
If you do not have a Manager status, you can always make a training request via Training > Training Plan.