This article is intended for administrators.
- π How to configure the emails sent at the launch of a review cycle?
- π How to insert a variable?
- π How to configure the email in other languages?
You can customize the emails sent to reviewees and reviewers at the launch of the review cycle. This allows you to:
- Adjust the content and tone for different types of reviews,
- Adapt to the language of the recipients with both French and English versions,
- Create a more dynamic email using the text editor and variables.
π How to configure the emails sent at the launch of a review cycle?
To do this, go to : Reviews > Campaigns > + New review cycle > Step 5 : Emails
You will see the email sent by default, if you do not make any changes. This email is written in the language that has been setup by default for your platform.
You can customize the content of your email by using :
- The text editor (bold, italic, strikethrough, hyperlink, bulleted list, numbered list),
- Variables (first or last name of the person in charge, name of the campaign, deadlines, number of days left).
β οΈ Warning : Variables and the text editor cannot be used for the email object.
When a default email is changed, the check mark turns green.
π How to insert a variable?
You can view the list of available variables by typing [ then selecting the variable you want to add.
π Tip: how to insert a [: on Mac: Option + Shift + Parenthesis, on PC: Shift + Alt + Parenthesis
π How to configure the email in other languages?
You can configure emails for each language available in your platform. Thus, depending on the language configured in his profile, the employee will receive an email in French or English. To do so, you just have to use the following drop-down list:
β οΈ Warning : It is not possible to go back to the default email configuration.