This article is intended for administrators.
We provide several examples of templates directly on Elevo, which you can edit or use directly to launch your review cycle.
Do not hesitate to contact to have them added to your space if you don't find them.
🇬🇧 [Example 360] Feedback 360° - Evaluation
👉 360 template allowing employees to receive feedback from their peers on certain skills and/or know-how. This form also allows managers to prepare annual reviews by having a global vision of their N-1.
🇬🇧 [Example 360] Feedback 360° - Development
👉 Very concise 360 template to maximize engagement rate, allowing your employees to receive feedback from their peers on their strengths and areas of improvement to support them in their development.
🇬🇧 [Example 360] Feedback 360° - Development/Team lead
👉 Same 360 template as the previous one, but adding a specific section aimed at helping your employees with "team lead" roles to progress. Topics such as the ability to communicate, to motivate or to take a step back are covered.
🇬🇧 [Exemple 360] - Feedback 360° - Manager Survey
👉 360 template allowing the manager to receive feedback from their N-1. It assesses many managerial skills (listening, communicating, decision making, etc.), but also opens the discussion on how the manager can improve the way he/she works with the employee.
🇬🇧 [Example 360] Feedback 360° - Trial period follow-up
👉 360 template allowing your employees to be involved in the decision to renew or validate the trial period of a newcomer. Peers are invited to give feedback on the newcomer's integration, onboarding and embodiment of the company's values.
🇬🇧 [Example 360] Feedback 360° - Project feedback
👉 360 template allowing all the stakeholders of a project to review and give feedback to each other. We look back on the start of the project, the results, but also on the collaboration between the different members of the team.